"This Program Changed My Life"
Updated: Mar 10, 2021
An aspiring Forensic Accountant and Chief Marketing Officer, Kyla has risen through Dream Jamaica and shares her story about how she transformed through the program. Recipient of numerous awards, Kyla is pursuing a double BS in Accounting and Marketing at the University of the West Indies, Mona. Kyla is also the recipient of over 1 Million JMD$ in scholarship.

All Memories Are Best Memories
"There is not one memory that can be defined as the best. Every memory at Dream Jamaica has been an awesome one."
But, if I was to speak of one, it would be in 2017. The camp lasted for one month and at that time I was in the college prep cohort. My cohort coordinator at the time. 2017 was really a life changing year for me because it was the year I found out what career path I wanted to pursue after being lost for a few years. It was also the year I bonded immensely with the other participants in my cohort, some of whom are my greatest friends. I explored a lot that year. We toured all the universities in Jamaica and the conversations we had on the bus rides there were some of the most thought-provoking ones I have ever had.
The varied opinions of everyone forced me to change the way I think towards many situations. It developed me as a better human being, it made me more tolerant towards people and what they believe in and stand for. I overcame many challenges that year and I can honestly say that it helped to shape me into the person I am today. I will always be grateful for the friendships formed that year. I learned about many different careers and about people.
Do Not Take Dream Jamaica For Granted: It's A Blessing
Many times, students may get caught up in the activities that are offered that they lose the whole essence of the program. Dream Jamaica aims to develop students holistically. We do believe that “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.” However, we must try and strike a balance. While we play and it is all fun, we must remember that we are here to learn, and develop as individuals going into the world of work. We must take responsibility for ourselves and what we take away from this program. Here, there is so much to learn, and many opportunities will present itself that we must try and maximize.
It is completely ok to be the one that stands out! Be that one person who asks questions all the time. Be the person to always put up their hands. People tend to remember those persons and you never know what can happen from there. It is impossible to not learn here. Do the activities that are required of you, it will make your life so much easier and the experience will be valuable. As I said, don’t take this program for granted.
This is a blessing in disguise. The persons you meet here will no longer be just strangers after it has ended, they will become your family. I can guarantee that. They will become your friends for a lifetime. Dream Jamaica changed my life. The summers of 2016-2018 will undoubtedly be the best summers of my life, and I know it will be for you as well. Take advantage of every opportunity here and use it to allow yourself to grow! Evolve as a person because of what will be taught here, and what you will learn from the conversations you will have.
Becoming a part of Dream Jamaica will be one of the best decisions you ever make, and I hope this program does for you what it did for me. Hopefully, even better than that. Have fun everyone!
"Continue to DREAM JAMAICA!"
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