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Our students have come a far way!

Writer's picture@dreamer_ja

One-step Closer Everyday to his Future Goals 

"One step at a time is a good enough good Walk"

Zachery, a grade eleven (11) student at Victory Academy here in Jamaica, utilizes this proverb to constantly remind and motivate him of his dreams of both making himself and his beloved mother proud.

Zachery joined Dream Jamaica in grade seven on the advice of his grade eleven supervisor at Calabar High School. He acknowledged that he wasn't overjoyed by the notion of attending an educational summer camp at first. However, his attitude shifted the day he started participating.

“The vibes and activities were great, and the dream team was just amazing to work with."

During our discussion, he described his experience at Dream as one-of-a-kind. He was exposed to a wide range of professions as well as a substantial number of workshops while he was attending. He recalls being actively involved in college sessions as well as the wide range of career workshops made available to pupils. During this time, he was proud of the new connections he made as a result of his involvement in the camp, as well as the chance Dream Jamaica afforded him to meet and engage with some of Jamaica's most notable professionals.

His current concentration has been on education, as he prepares to take his CXC CSEC exams this year. He is quite engaged in his faith outside of his academic context. During our discussion, he mentioned that he works and serves on the Communications Ministry team on Sundays and Saturdays.

Zachery takes satisfaction in his eagerness to assist others. As a result, he is today a proud member of the Jamaica Combined Cadet Force, where he has been a proud cadet for the past few years. As a result, he intends to become a Marine or a soldier in the future in order to serve and defend the people of his nation.

Within the next five to ten years, he aspires to have completed his undergraduate studies at the Caribbean Maritime University or to have successfully completed his training and become a proud Jamaican soldier.

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